Friday, August 14, 2009

Getting InstallShield Help

If you are new to installshield and you are learning, then you will more likely come across situation where you have to search for help on InstallShield. Here are some of the places where you can look for help.

  1. InstallShield documentation
  2. MSI documentation
  3. InstallShield Discussion Forum
  4. Offcourse google
InstallShield is having extensive documentation. Its help includes both InstallShield and MSI documentation. Some times it is very difficult to search for your problem in the documentation. In such case take googles, search in web. I need not tell you, but let it be your last option. I suggest you to read documents, try various options, Every time ask the questions why? How? and try several times. In the process of fixing one problem, you will surely find solutions to fix 10 problems. That is how you learn. Don't be impatient, give a second try if you fail once. It is a just general suggestions.

Another place to look for help is InstallShield discussion forum. Search for your problem in the forum or ask a question. Someone will surely help you to solve your problem. But make sure that, while asking a question specify clearly your problem ( When you encounter the issue? Steps taken by you to solve the problem, etc ).

Once more useful link is InstallShield Tips and Tricks. Here in this link you will find many tips to solve some commonly faced problem. Note that most of the time you are facing problem because you don't something which required, knowledge of which is essential to solve the problem ( is very difficult to find that something :-) ). This link is having many topics which will help increase your understanding about the InstallShield. If not now if will help you in future. Try to read as much of articles from this link.

What if you are not able to solve your problem? Hmm...try again!!!, you cannot solve the problem only if you are trying to achieve something which is not possible with InstallShield or msi or you are not showing genuine interest in solving the problem. If it is later have to try again other option or give up.

Some InstallShield usefull links you will find at right of this page.

TAGS: Installshield Tips, InstallShield Help,Where to get help on InstallShield, InstallShield Documentation, InstallShield community


Sunday, August 9, 2009

InstallShield Help

Here in this blog I would be adding various resources which you can use to start learing the InstallShield.You cannot learn anything if you don't show any Interest in it. If you are a new learner start by understading the What is installshield, why it is needed, How InstallShield can help you to deploy your application. Next step is to start familiarizing with all the InstallShield interfaces and learn how to use them. Create some simple package which uses all your learning. InstallShield comes with its own learning curve.InstallShield actually hides the complexity of the msi, you need not know msi to create a package, but if you want to be an expert you also need to learn MSI. Infact if you are familiar with the msi, you know 75% of Installshield.

Like human and animals all the software products also needs some environment where it can survive and it can behave the way you want. If you try to run the software in a environment which is not sutiable for it, software or your application will fail. I have writtern a small application and that needs a dll, uses some value from the registry, and it needs on IE6 or higher and runs only on vista. How to run the such an application? I will first check for all the dependencies, will place all the dependent file in one folder/directoy, will register the dlls and create shortcut to application ( main exe with all the requirement arguments ) to run the application. These things I have done manually, I cannot ask the other users of the application to follow the installation steps. Most of the users would be impatient, they don't want to waste time reading through the Install guide and follow the steps. They want some sort of automatic installation, where you just click on exe/msi , answer few basic questions and you are Installer takes care of creating the environment which would be conducive for the application to run. That is what the you do with InstallShield. With the InstallShield you create a package which automates all the manual tasks. Your pacakge can be simple which does basic installation and and sometimes your it can become really complex.

This is not InstallShield tutorial, you need to read the InstallShield documentation to understand the complete InstallShield. But this blog try to help you by providing all the required documents and suggestions at one place.

TAGS : InstallShield Help, InstallShield tutorial,InstallShield study material,InstallShield Guide,Install Shield help ,Install Shield tutorial, Install Shield study material


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